S. H. Clark
S. H. Clark is a romance author in the following sub-genres: young adult, contemporary, horror, and fantasy.
Clark lives in beautiful San Diego, California with her beloved Nespresso coffee maker, and her two cats who sleep all hours of the day, except for when Clark sits down to write. Then, it’s a fight over who gets her attention—her characters or her four-legged children. When she's not writing, which is rare, she's an elementary school teacher. Harry Potter themed classroom, of course! Slytherins unite! She holds multiple secondary degrees, has a bookshelf overflowing with paranormal romances, and loves to write to the sound of a thunderstorm.
It's been said Clark has attempted to conjure Cadbury Cream Eggs with her Harry Potter wand. authorshclark.com
Website: www.authorshclark.com
Facebook: @authorshclark
Twitter: @AuthorSHClark
Instagram: @authorshclark
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